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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More info leaked from WWE

In a Teh Wrasslin Newzwire!!1 exclusive, we've obtained a recorded phone call between Vince McMahon (real name: Vincent K. McMahon Jr) and R-Truth (real name: R-Trizzuth):

Vince: Truth, I just talked to Creative...
Truth: WHATS UP?!
Vince: Well we were thinking you need to freshen up your character.
Truth: What, you mean... do something besides recite the same bad rap every week? That's been my gimmick since I was K-Kwik!
Vince: K-Kwik? Who is K-Kwik?
Truth: That was my name the first time I was here, remember?
Vince: No... are you sure you were working in WWE at the time?
Truth: I was with Road Dogg?
Vince: Doesn't ring a bell... anyways, no, your gimmick is fine. It's bland and repetitive, just like we like it. No, it's about your finisher, that spinny kick thing.
Truth: What's wrong with it?
Vince: Well, all you do is spinny kicks, so we need something else.
Truth: But spinny kicks are all I can do, sir!
Vince: What about a spinny elbow?
Truth: Uh... sure, I think I might be able to do that.
Vince: PERFECT! We'll give it a name, something like... I don't know... the Lie Detector, but better.

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