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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kinda-Weekly Kinda-Serious News Roundup 5/27

-Indy MEGASTAR! Jimmy Gargano (Real Name: Jim Garganopolis) is rumored to have been signed with WWE after appearing in a tryout role where he acted as Micheal Cole's (Real name: Ricky Martin) "Anti-Heidenreich-Rape Guard". However, these rumors may be false, as according to Vince McMahon, "We already have enough Japs on the roster".

-Tyler Black (Real Name: Tyler Black) is scheduled to face Davey Richards (Real Name: Davey Jones) to defend the Ring of Honor title on pay per view. Ring of Honor is expecting a buyrate of six people, which some are calling a very ambitious goal.

-In TNA news: TNA still sucks.

-Tommy Dreamer (Real Name: Tommy Dreamer) made a debut in the Japanese promotion CHIKARA recently, in a no-contest against Eddie Kingston (Real Name: Eddie Gordo), the match cut short by CHIKARA's BDK stable, which is a stable consisting of German techno fans. Dreamer and Kingston are scheduled to face BDK members Ares (Real Name: Mars, The God of War) and Claudio Castagnoli (Real name: Claude Ravioli). This confirms that Tommy Dreamer is now officially working for every promotion ever, including the ones that no longer exist.

-In UFC news (which now counts as pro wrestling, that's why Wrestling Observer reports on it, ARE YOU CALLING DAVE MELTZER A LIAR MOTHERFUCKER?!), UFC 2010 has been officially declared "The Best Fucking Video Game Ever" by a UN tribunal. Hideo Kojima (Real Name: Satoshi Kojima), director of the movie You Will Watch Raiden And Like Him, No Matter How Emo He Is, Bitches (known as Metal Gear Solid 4 in the US), disagrees, saying it needs "at least seventeen hours worth of cutscenes". Indy game developer and three-time Biggest Douche In The Universe Award winner Matt Dickie (real name: Richard Weiner) says "SOMEONE PLEASE LIKE ME!".

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