No is true!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

THIS JUST IN! (Spoilerz, but TNA spoilerz so who cares!!!)

Rumors so HOT! that we revived teh newzwire!

The 11/18 Impact will feature a casket match that will end in DQ. This is apparently going to be the start of a trend for TNA, where gimmick matches will end with no payoff whatsoever. Anonymous sources tell us that this is due to the new writing team, which consists of two monkeys randomly bashing their palms on a computer keyboard.

One fan said, "finally storylines will be more coherent!"

In other news, someone may possibly be considering that they might be thinking of switching their car insurance to Geico (NOT CHRIS JERICHO).

Finally, Ring of Honor's TV show has reported to have ten viewers this week. This is exciting news for the company, as this is eight more than their previous record.

Said a top Ring of Honor wrestler, "ROH has a TV show?!"

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